jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2011

Finish Proyect


A: Hi Nicole
B: Hello Karina.
A: How are you?
B: Fine, and you?
A: very well. Thank you!!
A: Oh!! he is my friend, his name is Eduardo.
B: Hi. Eduardo!! How old are you?
C: I'm eighteen, and you?
B: Me too. What do you do?
C: I'm student, and you?
B: Me too. What is your address?
C: My address is Avenue Sonora in front of Plaza Juarez.
B: What is your phon number?
C: It is 6452858630.
B: OK. Nice to meet you Eduardo.
C: Nice to meet you too!
B: Oh your friend is handsome Karina.
A: Yes he is handsome and tall.
B: And his black jacket is very nice.
A: Oh, a little.
B: OK. See you later.
A: Bye. See you soon.

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