lunes, 27 de febrero de 2012

5 Neg. Sentences

1. The children are not doing homework.
2. They are not walking in the stadium.
3. The children are not studying at school.
4. The boy is not fighting with the girl.
5. They are not crying.

5 Aff. Sentences

1. She is smiling in the office.
2. She is writing in the paper.
3. He is reading the newspaper.
4. She talkin in the office.
5. They are working hard. 

Weather pictionaty

sábado, 11 de febrero de 2012


When a verb ends in "S, Sh, Ch, O, X, Z" add "Es" to the 3rd person singular (He, She, It).
Do - Does.
Kiss - Kisses.
Wish - Wishes.
Watch - Watches.
Box - Boxes.
Buzz - Buzzes.
Go - Goes.
Fish - Fishes.
Miss - Misses.
Catch - Catches.

When a verb ends in "Y" and the pervious letter is a consonant, change the "Y" to "I" and add "Es".
Study - Studies.

When a verb ends in "Y" and the pervious letter is a vowel, add "S" to the 3rd person singular.
Play - Plays

Fly - Flies.
Buy - Buys.
Cry - Cries.
Reply - Replies.
Pay - Pays.
Say - Says.
Lay - Lays.

domingo, 5 de febrero de 2012


1. (+) Laura cuts the cake at parties. 
(-) Laura doesn't cut the cake at parties.

2. (-) Mr. Gómez doesn't ride his bike to school.
(+) Mr. Gómez rides his bike to school.

3. (+) The reporter writes crime articles every night. 
(-) The reporter doesn't write crime articles every night.

4. (-) Avocados don't cost $20.00 a kilo. 
(+) Avocados cost $20.00 a kilo.

5. (+) Mrs. Phyllips gives the children chocolate cookies. 
(-) Mrs. Phyllips doesn't give the children chocolate cookies.

6. (-) The mechanics don't fix motorcycles. 
(+) The mechanics fix motorcycles.

7. (+) Tom and Jerry fight in the house. 
(-) Tom and Jerry don't fight in the house.

8. (-) Dr. Brady doesn't play golf on Tuesdays. 
(+) Dr. Brandy plays golf on Tuesdays.

9. (-) The cooks don't make bread. 
(+) The cooks make bread.

10. (+) Mrs. Jefferson listens to the students. 
(-) Mrs. Jefferson doesn't listen to the students.

miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2012

YESTERDAY, January 31st

Affirmative: Subject + verb + complement
The dog eats meat. 

Negative: Subject + Doesn't + verb + complement
                               Don't  (she, he, It)
The dog doesn't eat meat.